Monday, August 31, 2009

School Days

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

***A little late since I forgot to publish while I was in NYC with a great group of friends!

We're going back in time today. Man, this could be scary. I don't have too many pictures with me from middle school and prior with me - my Mom has been scanning all of our pictures so she can put them on CDs for my brothers and me but she took lots of pictures when we were growing up so it's taking awhile. :-) Here are a few pictures that I do have...

This is me and my friend Lauren in preschool. Turkey hats with our hands traced on paper and cut out for feathers and Garfield cups. Not sure the pilgrims celebrated quite that way but hey, we were happy.

This picture was taken after my high school volleyball team won Districts for the first time in our school's history. Mrs. Schwieder was our BIGGEST fan and most of us had her for one math class or another during our four years at LHS. She was by far one of my favorite teachers. Who doesn't love a teacher that will go out and party with the winning team on a school night?! :-)

My freshman suite, plus Lindsey, our freshman year of college. Wow, we look young...

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