Tonight was another busy night! Tomorrow is Administrator Day and everyone in my office is bringing some kind of treat so I made Oreo balls.
While those were in the freezer waiting to be dipped in chocolate bark, I went outside and put a fresh coat of paint on our patio set. The set used to be my grandparents and they gave it to us for our house - it's so special to know that it used to be theirs! I did learn a very good lesson - make sure you wear gloves and shoes when you spray paint. You could see the lines from my flip flops on my feet and I'm hoping the black paint will wash off my hands before work tomorrow...
Eventually, I want to get a big red umbrella for the table and it will go on our deck as soon as we get it restained.
Now, I'm enjoying the Canucks vs. Blues hockey game with Mike. I'm not a big hockey fan and even though I'm from STL, I'd rather Vancouver win since Mike is a hockey fan. :-)
Hope everyone is having a good night!